Sharing Good Practice for Smarter Universities

Efficiency is high on the agenda of all university Registrars and COOs with an increasing need to demonstrate impact and to use resources efficiently and effectively. Here we bring together some of the contributions that AHUA members have made to the Efficiency Exchange, sharing best practice for smarter universities.

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The Efficiency Exchange was set up in 2013 in response to the recommendations of the Diamond Review. It is delivered by Universities UK and Jisc in partnership with HEFCE and the Leadership Foundation, and aims to share good practice to help universities work smarter.

Many AHUA members have contributed their knowledge and experiences of introducing new lean practices and challenging change management programmes to their institutions, either through the AHUA blog or directly through the Efficiency Exchange.

Here we share some of those insights and contributions:


Change management is part of the norm for us

Patrick Hackett: Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of Liverpool


We’ve made steps to convince Treasury that efficiency is on our agenda

Jayne Dowden: Chief Operating Officer, Cardiff University


Everyone wants to get value for money from the things they do

Andrew Young: Chief Operating Officer, LSE


It’s when we work together that we are most effective

Dave Hall: Registrar and Chief Operating Officer, University of Leicester


You have to be able to challenge things in the right kind of way

Vikki Goddard: Chief Operating Officer, University of Salford


Under the veneer of conservatism, universities are constantly reinventing themselves

Gerry Webber: University Secretary, Edinburgh Napier University

How are you addressing the efficiency agenda in your institution? Share your thoughts here, or log in to discuss this further on the member forums.

Preventing and Responding to Gender-Based Violence on Campus

Application deadline: Friday 10th January 2025

This free workshop is offered to those in senior roles to develop their understanding of gender-based violence; the requirements and expectations of Higher Education Institutions in preventing and responding to it; and to support the move from single initiatives to more integrated approaches.

Find out more