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13th October, 2021
Spotlight on…Harper Adams University
Generating its own food, water and power – Catherine Baxter,…

22nd September, 2021
Meet our members: John McCarthy
Work hard, play hard, be kind. John McCarthy, Associate Chief…

15th September, 2021
Regulating Freedom of Speech
The Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Bill is set to…

14th September, 2021
Moving beyond perfect
Perfection is problematic. Robin Henderson, Managing Director of MY Consultants…

7th September, 2021
Spotlight on… BPP University
Stronger together. BPP University is building careers through education. Sally-Ann…

26th August, 2021
Significant developments in higher education in the Middle East
The Middle East is strengthening its higher education sector. Ivor…

23rd August, 2021
Spotlight on… Aberystwyth University
A world without knowledge is no world. Geraint Pugh, University…

18th August, 2021
The value of AHUA learning sets
AHUA learning sets are invaluable to our membership. James Rolfe,…

8th August, 2021
Unlocking our thinking about space
The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged our thinking about how we…

3rd August, 2021
The role of a students’ union CEO
Ben Vulliamy, Chief Executive at University of York Students’ Union,…

26th July, 2021
Cutting the funding for creative education won’t help the economy
Arts graduates are critical to rebuilding the economy. Vivienne Hurley,…

19th July, 2021
Three losses defining the students of the pandemic
Experience, quality, and trust have been lost. Dr Gary Guadagnolo,…