AHUA Blogs

6th July, 2021
Increase in cyber security attacks requires a sector-wide strategic response
Cyber security attacks are on the rise. Henry Hughes, Director…
28th June, 2021
Leadership transitions in universities: arriving, surviving and thriving at the top
Arriving, surviving, thriving. Tom Kennie and Robin Middlehurst from Ranmore…
25th June, 2021
Twenty not out: how higher education has changed in 20 years
A lot has happened since 2001. David Duncan, Chief Operating…
15th June, 2021
Why the future of Ambitious Futures is still bright
The future is bright. Three former trainees – Kim, Josh,…
11th June, 2021
Opening a new university: ARU Peterborough
A new university, a new chapter, a new challenge. James…
1st June, 2021
The future of student complaints: a tale of two processes?
The Freedom of Speech Bill causes confusion about student complaints….
25th May, 2021
Spotlight on… Ravensbourne University London
Join us on a tour of Ravensbourne University London. Christopher…
20th May, 2021
Outside looking in: the student experience from an international perspective
Quality. Research. Success. Hugh Martin, Registrar and Chief Administrative Officer…
14th May, 2021
Governance under pressure – academic governance
University governance is under pressure. In this new series of…
9th May, 2021
Finding our civic voice: the first year of the Civic University Network
The civic role of universities is a vital piece of…
7th May, 2021
Governance in times of change: insight-driven decision-making
Agile governance has been vital in the pandemic. Sarah Litchfield,…
11th April, 2021
It’s time to get smarter about efficiency
Efficiency is a hard sell in the education sector. But…
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AHUA Spring Conference 2025

Registrations now open

The wait is finally over, and we are delighted to announce that registrations for the AHUA Spring Conference 2025 are now open.

Taking place in Swansea on Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th April 2025.

Please login to view the conference page for more information.

Conference Page