Life in Lockdown: Matthew Andrews
In our new “Life in Lockdown” series, we ask AHUA members to share their personal experiences of lockdown. This week, Matthew Andrews talks to us about family time, walks in the countryside, and his newfound love of video conferences.

What is your proudest achievement since lockdown began?
Going on “long” walks with my family every weekend. 11km is pretty good for a four year old.
What is your greatest challenge at the moment?
Not working constantly.
It is a real challenge with the boundaries blurred even more than normal between work and personal life.
How are you finding working from home?
Pretty convenient really!
Notwithstanding the temptation to work all the time, it’s nice to drop the commute and see more of the family.
What have you learned about yourself during lockdown?
I form new routines easily.
What are you most looking forward to once lockdown is lifted?
Both work and personal life used to involve many different people, places, and activities. That all disappeared with lockdown.
What will you miss the most about life in lockdown?
I hope to keep going with all the things I’ve enjoyed from lockdown, like walking more in the countryside around us.
What one piece of advice or lesson learned in lockdown would you share with members?
Video calls are great! Video conferences work well for meetings!
Let’s not spend all of our time on the train in future, and instead mix virtual and physical meetings.
Matthew Andrews is the University Secretary and Registrar at the University of Gloucestershire. You can follow Matthew on Twitter.
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