Higher Education in 2017 – The Key Issues
How do you think universities should adapt to the current political climate? Can HE survive as a coherent sector in the context of devolution? Is the role of universities in society changing? These are some of the big questions we asked AHUA members during a recent conference in Belfast. Here's what they said...

What do you consider to be the key issues for the higher education sector in 2017?
Do you think UK HE can survive as a coherent sector in the context of devolution and competition?
How is your institution anticipating the changes that the new regulatory framework will bring?
Do you think the role of universities in society is changing?
How do you think universities should adapt to deal with the current political climate?
What do you think of the teaching excellence framework – do you think it will endure?
What do you think the likely impact of Brexit will be on the HE sector and on your institution?