Gen Z After Lockdown: Trends, Values and Higher Education Choices

As the first generation to grow up with information at their fingertips, it’s no wonder many HEIs are adapting their strategies for Gen Z. Becky Taylor, Associate Director at YouthSight, discusses in this video presentation how the younger generation now make their Higher Education choices after lockdown.

Posted by Becky Taylor on

Living through a lockdown has been no easy feat. But arguably Gen Z were one of the generations who were hit the hardest. This generation has been challenged with missing some of their most important milestones in life.

They have had to navigate choosing their university and course online, with factors such as employability becoming increasingly important. And their university experience has been lived largely through Teams and Zoom.

First heard at the AHUA Autumn Conference 2021, Becky Taylor takes us through her presentation which showcases the thoughts and concerns for Gen Z and how to target your institution’s student experience and courses for them.

AHUA members can view the video via Google Drive.

AHUA Spring Conference 2025

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Stay tuned this January for updates on our upcoming and highly anticipated spring conference.

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