Programme: Navigating free speech on campus

Navigating free speech on campus, 11 March 2024 Woburn House, Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9HQ

0930 -1000Refreshments and networking
1000 –1015Introduction to the day
1015 –1035
Table discussions
An opportunity for participants to discuss the key challenges and issues they would like to explore during the day.
1040 –1130Recent OU case – key issues and lessons learned
The OU has recently received a judgment against it in an employment tribunal case dealing with gender-critical beliefs. In this session, Dave Hall, University Secretary at the OU, in conversation with Nicola Owen, AHUA Chair, will discuss:
• Overview of the case
• Challenges in navigating the space as an institution – what was going on beyond what was externally visible?
• What advice did the OU get and how did it influence decision making?
1130 – 1145Coffee Break
1145 – 1245What the law says
An opportunity for participants to focus on specific issues and discuss current case law with Smita Jamdar, Head of Education at Shakespeare Martineau. How do institutions balance competing freedoms of speech, ensuring that senior academic managers are aware of their responsibilities? What are institutions’ obligations to protect their staff? And how will institutional policies need to adapt?
1245 – 1330Lunch
1330 – 1430Table discussions
An opportunity for participants to think through issues they are currently challenged by and to reflect and discuss approaches, options, pros and cons that could be taken in these particular cases.
1430 – 1520
Feedback from tables
A chance to share experience, get further legal input, share key learning and identify work that AHUA / the sector could undertake in this space to provide clarity.
1520 – 1530Close