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    Edgbaston Park Hotel, University of Birmingham, 53 Edgbaston Park Road, Birmingham B15 2RS

AHUA Spring Conference 2019

Conference presentations are now available under Related Resources below.  You will need to log in to see them. In the event of a query about your booking, please contact Assured Events on 0161 428 1115. The AHUA Spring Conference 2019, hosted by Lee Sanders at the University of Birmingham, takes place from 1 to 3 April (please note booking is now closed).

Click here to be taken to the conference website where venue and programme details are available.

The conference programme will be diverse in content, with informative workshops and sponsor sessions as well as inspiring keynotes. We will be covering key policy areas including value for money, UK research strategy and Equality and Diversity. Also included are a series of personal development workshops on resilience, communication, leadership across the institution and a special session for smaller institutions. Delegates will stay in the brand new Conference Hotel on the University’s Edgbaston campus. Dinner on Monday evening will be held on campus with a reception at the prestigious Barber Institute of Fine Arts, giving ample time for networking and an opportunity to view some of the Institute’s finest pieces. The Gala Dinner will take place at Hagley Hall, a stunning 18th century estate, where we will be entertained in a ‘Shakespearean’ manner! AHUA’s conferences are an excellent opportunity not only to hear from expert and knowledgeable speakers, but also to meet up with old friends and make new contacts. Conferences attract approximately half our membership, with members coming from all over the country and from many different types of institution. The Early Bird fee (available until 31 January) for the conference, dinners and two nights’ accommodation is just £390 + VAT which we’re able to offer thanks to the generosity of our conference sponsors. The fee increases to £450 + VAT after 31 January.


April 1, 2019 @ 12:00 pm
April 3, 2019 @ 9:30 am

Related Resources

Related Resources

Preventing and Responding to Gender-Based Violence on Campus

Application deadline: Friday 10th January 2025

This free workshop is offered to those in senior roles to develop their understanding of gender-based violence; the requirements and expectations of Higher Education Institutions in preventing and responding to it; and to support the move from single initiatives to more integrated approaches.

Find out more