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AHUA Online Conference, Autumn 2020

Join us for this half day event bringing members together to explore two key topics:

  • 1) international experiences of COVID-19;
  • 2) how transformational change has been led and managed both within and outside HE.
Plus, there will be ample opportunity to meet up with other members to discuss current issues in small groups.

Registration now closed.  Please contact tracey.murray@ahua.ac.uk if you wish to attend

(Please note this is an AHUA members only event) Programme (View speaker biographies here) 0900 – 0930

Informal Networking and Discussion Members will be allocated to breakout rooms as they arrive to enable them to network informally with other members.

0930 – 0940

Conference Welcome from AHUA Chair, Nicola Owen, Deputy Chief Executive (Operations), Lancaster University

0940 – 10.15

Learning from Covid-19 – International Perspectives Speakers: Judy McGannon, Director, Planning and Resources, RMIT University, Melbourne Stephan van Galen, Secretary General, University of Groningen Facilitated by: Rachel Holmes, AHUA Associate An opportunity to explore how institutions in other parts of the world have faced and dealt with the impact of COVID-19.  Find out about their learning, how they have implemented change and the wider policy implications for HE in their countries.

1015 – 1035

Breakout rooms How have you experienced these past few months?  Reflecting on what you have heard from Judy and Stephan, this will be a chance to discuss the challenges and opportunities in small groups and share key learnings for the sector.

1035 – 11.00

Feedback from breakout rooms and comments from speakers

1100 – 1125


1125 – 1145

Leading Transformation – Taking the Challenges Forward Speakers: Nicola de Iongh, Chair of Council, University of Gloucestershire Jim Dickinson, Associate Editor, Wonkhe Rupert Taylor, Director, Pro4Solutions Chaired by: Dr Matthew Andrews, University Secretary and Registrar, University of Gloucestershire Members are currently dealing with some of the most challenging situations ever faced in their institutions. Many are having to review working practices, organisational structures and how core business is delivered – not just to get through the current crisis but also to embed change for the future.  This session will explore how successful transformation comes about from the perspectives of three people who have all delivered change in very different environments.  What are the secrets of leading and embedding change that result in success?  Find out in this session.

1145 – 1225

Panel Discussion / Questions from Members 

1225 – 1235

Conference close out 

1235 – 1300

Themed Networking A chance to talk to other members about the following issues:

  1. C-19 testing, Christmas departure and January return
  2. Fair Admissions Review
  3. Financial Sustainability
  4. Pensions
  5. Definitions of Antisemitism and Islamophobia
  6. OfS review of quality and standards


November 27, 2020
9:00 am – 1:00 pm

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  • Some resources are only available to members. To view them log in or Register your interest.
  • Related Resources

  • Some resources are only available to members. To view them log in or Register your interest.
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