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    University of Leicester

AHUA Autumn Conference 2022

For queries about your booking, please contact Imogen Ford or Cheryl Donaldson

View a PDF version of the conference programme The joining instructions and map of the venue are available under ‘Related Resources’.  You will need to log in to see them. A message from Conference Host, Geoff Green, Registrar and Secretary, University of Leicester Dear AHUA Member, I am delighted to invite you to register for the AHUA Autumn Conference 2022, hosted at the University of Leicester, on 16 September. The conference programme (available here) includes a range of plenary and workshop sessions. Plenaries will cover issues that have particularly come to the fore since the start of the pandemic – student and staff mental health, financial sustainability and hybrid working. Workshops will explore misconduct, current legal issues, the relationship between HEIs and their SUs, and CUC’s role as another voice of the sector. The conference will take place at Freemens in the brand-new Sir Bob Burgess Building, named in honour of our longest serving VC who sadly passed away earlier this year. Freemens is the University of Leicester’s £150m investment. It’s a vibrant new neighbourhood for students to live, study a nd socialise, with high-tech learning space, modern living space and powered by sustainable technologies. The new buildings are set within an impressive landscaping scheme of tree lined walking routes, wildflower planting and gardens, with two generous public spaces providing a focal point to the design. Optional overnight accommodation on Thursday 15th September is available at the university and we hope you will join us for an optional informal dinner that evening. The AHUA is committed to making its events as sustainable as possible so this year the conference brochure will be on a user-friendly Event App. Attending an AHUA conference is an excellent opportunity to expand your knowledge by hearing from expert speakers, to make new contacts and meet up with old friends. I do hope you will join me and the team at the conference and very much look forward to welcoming you to Leicester in September. Best wishes Geoff Green Registrar and Secretary, University of Leicester    


September 16, 2022
9:00 am – 5:00 pm

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