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29th November, 2021
Beyond the (reportable) event horizon
The new guidance on Reportable Events from the Office for...

3rd August, 2021
The role of a students’ union CEO
Ben Vulliamy, Chief Executive at University of York Students’ Union,...

28th June, 2021
Leadership transitions in universities: arriving, surviving and thriving at the top
Arriving, surviving, thriving. Tom Kennie and Robin Middlehurst from Ranmore...

14th May, 2021
Governance under pressure – academic governance
University governance is under pressure. In this new series of...

30th March, 2021
Board diversity: developing a toolkit for professionals
Diverse boards are effective boards. Dr Matthew Andrews, University Secretary...

1st March, 2021
New chair, new opportunity: Our relationship with the Office for Students
The Office for Students has a new chair. It could...
7th February, 2021
Getting the most out of governance effectiveness reviews
Dr Jacqui Brasted, Director of JB HE Consulting and independent...

17th November, 2020
Facilitating successful change in a university environment
We cannot stand in the way of change. Our challenge...

17th September, 2020
Why have a new Higher Education Code of Governance?
John Rushforth, Executive Secretary, and Amanda Oliver, Policy Manager, of...

2nd June, 2020
What Does ‘Good’ Remote Governance Look Like?
Rachel Killian, Senior Consultant for Halpin, suggests three elements to...