Blogging for AHUA

Designed to encourage and inspire members and partners who would like the opportunity to write for AHUA

The AHUA blog is a vital platform, dedicated to amplifying the expertise and unique perspectives of our members. This ensures their valuable knowledge reaches a broad audience of Higher Education professionals and stakeholders, making it a key resource for the sector.

We believe our members’ insights are essential in shaping the future of Higher Education. Therefore, we are committed to providing a space for their voices to be heard. Contributing to the blog offers a significant opportunity to showcase the collective expertise of our membership, and in turn, strengthen your presence within the Higher Education community.

Furthermore, this engagement not only builds your professional profile and establishes you as a thought leader, but also facilitates connections with a wider network of colleagues and peers across the sector. Crucially, your contributions create a rich archive of expert knowledge, enabling its circulation to key stakeholders and influencers throughout the Higher Education landscape.

Blog Themes

All blog themes relating to Higher Education are welcome for submission, but if you are looking for inspiration, the following themes have been identified as key areas for AHUA content:

Legal Issues

Government Policy and Regulation

Funding Policy

Operational Efficiency



Meet Our Members



Submit your Blog

If you are interested in sharing your reflections and expertise with the HE community, please submit your blog or any questions to

Please read through the blog guidelines below for helpful information on formatting and layout.


Previous AHUA Blogs

AHUA Action Learning Sets

Rediscover the power of Action Learning with AHUA

Unlock new opportunities for personal and professional growth with AHUA’s Action Learning Sets. This proven peer-learning approach combines collaborative problem-solving with expert facilitation, enabling members to tackle real-world challenges while building essential skills like critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving.

For more information click below

Action Learning Sets