
AHUA membership is institutional and open to higher education institutions (HEI) in the UK and Republic of Ireland; an Associate Membership is available to HEIs in other countries. Institutions must have their own degree awarding powers.

Each institutional member can nominate up to two individuals as its representatives. They must be senior university managers, responsible for their institution’s professional services and/or the administration of the governing body, and report to the Vice-Chancellor or Chair of Council or equivalent. Job titles include Registrar, Chief Operating Officer, Head of Administration, University Secretary. Download the AHUA membership form here.

Membership Benefits

A key benefit of AHUA membership is the access members gain to a network of colleagues performing similar roles in HE management. Members have the opportunity to share experience and information about current issues and trends, gain early insight into emerging strategic topics and influence their direction.

Two conferences held in the spring and autumn
Regional meetings in the UK
Personal development opportunities
On-line discussion forum
Monthly E-newsletters
Opportunity to join national working groups for bodies such as DfE, OfS and UUK
Input to liaison meetings with policy makers
Eligibility to join the civil service union, the FDA

Please contact the AHUA office if you are interested in joining.

AHUA Associate Membership

Associate membership is now available to HEIs in countries outside the UK. Associate members can benefit from the majority of the AHUA’s services and join a network of experienced senior managers.

Two conferences held in the spring and autumn
Personal development opportunities
On-line discussion forum
Monthly E-newsletters

AHUA Action Learning Sets

Rediscover the power of Action Learning with AHUA

Unlock new opportunities for personal and professional growth with AHUA’s Action Learning Sets. This proven peer-learning approach combines collaborative problem-solving with expert facilitation, enabling members to tackle real-world challenges while building essential skills like critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving.

For more information click below

Action Learning Sets