AHUA Member Learning Sets


AHUA Learning Sets bring members together in small groups of six to eight, initially for five facilitated sessions, to focus on topical work-based issues and explore effective ways of dealing with them.

Purpose of learning sets

The purpose of learning sets is to offer an ongoing process of learning and reflection as part of a group.  Set members work with each other on a ‘live issue’, offering challenge and support to each other as they consider the issues. It is a collaborative learning approach building on the relationship between experience (action) and reflection.

The AHUA has a successful track record of offering learning sets: over 140 members are either taking part or have participated in an AHUA set to date.  Feedback from members indicates that joining a set can be hugely transformational, both personally and professionally.

How and when do sets take place?

Sets meet on a regular basis (approximately every six to eight weeks) for five facilitated meetings.

Meetings 1 and 5 are in person taking place from 9.00 to 16.00;  meetings 2, 3 and 4 are held online for half a day.

When meetings are in person, members usually have dinner together the evening before and then meet the following day.

In person sets are generally hosted by the participants with the first meeting hosted by the AHUA in London.

I found that being part of a learning set created the time and space to reflect, share experiences and learn, in a way that could never have been achieved in the midst of a hectic normal working day/life. The value of doing this with a small group of trusted colleagues cannot be underestimated. It has made me a better person – professionally and personally..
Partick Hackett, Registrar Secretary and Chief Opertating Officer, University of Manchester
Meeting such delightful people through the learning set has helped me to see the real benefits of AHUA membership and enabled me to build a strong network. I have been able to draw on a strong network. I have been able to draw on a range of professional experiences and background in discussing live issues with supportive and expert colleagues..
Louise Nadal, Schhol Secretary, LSE

AHUA Action Learning Sets

Rediscover the power of Action Learning with AHUA

Unlock new opportunities for personal and professional growth with AHUA’s Action Learning Sets. This proven peer-learning approach combines collaborative problem-solving with expert facilitation, enabling members to tackle real-world challenges while building essential skills like critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving.

For more information click below

Action Learning Sets