Workshop completed

This one day event will explore the complexities around the new freedom of speech legislation for HE institutions.  It will examine how the boundary between the new legislation and the Equality Act might be navigated, and explore what is and what isn’t permissible within the law in the context of an academic community. 

Using members’ real life examples, including outputs from a recent employment tribunal case, participants will work through the thought processes required to be able to draw conclusions around what is lawful and what is acceptable with regard to free speech on campus.

Participants and contributors will be AHUA members with legal input from the AHUA’s national sponsor.  Discussions will take place under the Chatham House rule to enable participants to discuss openly potentially sensitive scenarios they may be facing in their institutions.

Key details


Woburn House, Tavistock Square,

London, WC1H 9HQ

Joining instructions for confirmed registrations can be found here


Monday 11th March 2024

10.00am – 3.30pm

Refreshments available from 9.30am


£75 (VAT exempt)

Who should attend?

This is an AHUA members only event; members’ bookings will be given priority until 23rd February.

If you are an AHUA member who cannot attend, you can nominate an alternate whose place will be allocated on a first come, first served basis after 23rd February. Please note, your alternate should be a staff member operating at an appropriate level of seniority.

How to register

Registration is now closed.

View the programme here.

For more information, please email the AHUA office team.